For New Parents
This page is for new parents with things I found that are useful before your baby is born. If you find something useful, let me know and I’ll add it to this page.
Glow Baby
Sound Sleeper
As a photographer, I always wondered how baby photographers are able to have babies sound asleep and not fussy when taking their photograph. This is where white noise makers come in. White noise is great, not only in making your baby less fussy, but might even help in colicky babies! When I was talking to the Bella Baby photographer, the app she uses to take baby pictures at Kapiolani Medical Center is called Sound Sleeper. There's a free version which I have on my phone, and the setting the Bella Baby photographer uses is called womb. To check out the iPhone app, click here.
Baby Connect app by Seacloud Software LLC
Someone shared this app that they purchased in the iTunes Store called Baby Connect. Baby Connect was picked by Apple as a featured app for Busy Moms. It is the #1 and most comprehensive baby tracking application in the App Store. It has graphical reports and trending charts, weekly averages, medicine, vaccine and growth tracking, timers, notifications, reminder alarms, emails, easy to use interface, and umlimited data. It is the only application avaible on iPhone, iPad, and the web. It can synchronize information between mom and dad, babysitter, daycare, etc. It is $4.99 in the App Store. For more information about this app, click here.
Baby Nursing app by Sevenlogics, Inc.
This app was shared by one of my new parents who liked this app compared to the Baby Connect app since it shows a snapshot of your baby's activities for that week. It can sync with several devices as well. It costs $4.99 in the App Store. For more information about this app, click here.
Baby Feed Timer
This is yet another app to keep track of baby's feeding, bowel movements and wet diapers. My new parents loved this one since it was easy to use, had analytics for feeding schedules, and now has an Apple Watch app. To learn more about it, click here.